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Impact of Covid-19 on Relationships

Impact of Covid-19 on Relationships

Although the situation presents challenges, adverse effects on marriages & families are not inevitable. Individuals can survive communicate & behave in ways that enhance relationships such as discussing how to solve problems between them, taking part in fun & enjoyable intimacy building activities together. People have a fundamental requirement for feeling of belonging & they are most likely to thrive in the phase of stress. Although marital relationships are likely the primary source of support for many people, connecting through calls, video chats, texting helps couple to sail through difficult times. Dispite the current stress surrounding Covid-19, couples who are working to create & maintain a good marital relationships are making an investment in their long- term emotional & physical health such as quitting smoking, losing weight, engaging in exercising & being supportive of facing the multiple challenges together.

Couples who are ablest to maintain good communication & supportive to each other during this pandemic period will likely remain together & hopefully feel more connected for facing the storm together. However, couples who will not communicate effectively & support each other may feel less satisfied in their relationship & consequently might separate. Additionally, lower income couples are at a higher risk for marital distress, as they will have to face losses & hardships as compared to higher income couples.

So the increase & decrease in separation will depend on the quality of couples relationships.The stress most probably from the Covid -19 pandemic may come out with multiple challenges, consequently stronger relationships, despite the fact of financial & personal losses.

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